Materials for GPN

Here you’ll find a host of materials on strategies for converting your entire advocacy program to a virtual approach. Stay tuned as we add more materials!

Click here for Dial In Fly In information

Click here for Dial In Fly In information

Tips and techniques for virtual advocacy Days

The current COVID-19 epidemic is dramatically changing how DC functions, especially when it comes to in-person advocacy events. We’ve outlined some immediate, medium and long-term approaches that may help you keep your program alive as well as the lessons we’ve already learned from each.


Dial-In Fly-In Advocate Preparation Notebook

Dial-In Fly-In Advocate Preparation Notebook

Advocate Preparation notebook

Improve your advocates’ effectiveness with this dial-in fly-in preparation notebook.

Train-The-Trainer Virtual Advocacy Checklist

Train-The-Trainer Virtual Advocacy Checklist

Train-The-trainer materials

Make sure you’re helping your advocates be as effective as possible with this advocate training checklist (including tips for training in the virtual world)!